Monday, March 30, 2015

Its A Wrap!

Hey everyone! As promised, here are some pictures from my first, very successful, Wrap Party! 

   So much has happened in the few days since the party. I have welcomed new clients, as well as, a new Distributor (DT)! I'm so excited about how my little team is growing so quickly in less than a month already! My party guest were a little apprehensive about sharing before and after pictures, so we kept those private, but as we are not yet in the third day of results, I have already gotten happy reports from them, and it's only just begun! So needless to say everyone is very excited! Including me because I get to see this all unfold for them. As a plus, everyone is eating healthier and drinking more water than before and making positive life changes. and I will be with them every step of the way. They are not just purchasing a wrap, or other health products, they are gaining a coach as well...and this is where it all began for 5 ladies on a sunny Saturday afternoon! 

The day was obviously going to start with Energy! 

This wrap girl had a lot of wrapping to do! 

Little man watching the Energy commercial 

My little Jr. DT! All dressed up in our colors! Isn't she too cute?

Wrap snacks! 

And finally, it was almost time to see those results! Tone, tighten, firm, just moments away! 

If you would like to join this crazy wrap adventure, or learn more about our awesome products, please contact me at   Join the Party Be an at Works Distributor! 

I would be thrilled to have you on my team! And happy to coach you with your personal health goals! 

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