Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Food tip Tuesday! Food prep for meals and snacks!

Hi everyone! It's that time again to share some healthy meal ideas. Today I thought I would share food prep for snacks and lunch. I don't take time every day to stop and fix a healthy snack, I need grab and go convenience, like most people. So Before I go to the store I plan my snacks and meals that I'll need for the week. Once I get home I wash, chop, and put everything in containers for the week. Let's face it, if I throw it all in the fridge, chances are all the prep won't get done, so I find its best to do it right away.

You can use mason jars to store grilled chicken salads for the week. Add whatever vegetables you like, I also added egg whites for extra protein. You can buy grilled chicken pieces already cooked in little bags, so there's no cooking in the food prep, less fuss is always a plus!

A great snack prep, for kids is, fruit ready smoothies! This is so easy and affordable there's really no reason not to try it. You can buy small bags of frozen fruit from a dollar store, or Walmart, add half a banana to each zip lock bag of fruit, and store it in the freezer till ready to eat. When you're ready to make one, just add one bag of frozen fruit to a half a cup of almond milk, coconut milk, or milk of your choice, and blend in up in a blender. I use milkshake setting on low for mine. If you liked to add a little sweeter to it, I suggest stevia, truvia, or honey to add natural sweetness...

Well those are two great food prep ideas for you guys to try, and ones that are agreeable with warmer weather...if we ever get any. I'm not sure where you guys are reading from, but wherever that may be, I hope your day is awesome and blessed, and thank you for stopping by! 

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