Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Food Tip Tuesday! What really is a strawberry? And what is the difference between Pro and Prebiotics?

A Strawberry is what now?

What is the difference between a Probiotic and a Prebiotic?

So last week the weather was awesome and sunny, and I was totally stoked to be able to lay out by the pool, even though we haven't opened it yet and it looks more like a swamp than a pool. Anyway, this week proves to be mostly rain and clouds, but like they say...April showers bring May flowers, and I am so ready for some color out here! None the less, I thought I would talk about my favorite pool side snack...strawberries!!! 

On hot, sunny days, I take a container of fresh strawberries outside and munch on them the entire time. Of course they contain a certain amount of water, so along with an actual bottle of water, they keep me hydrated in the hot sun, but these little beauties contain so much more:

  • The are loaded with antioxidants which helps guard against cancer.
  • They are packed with fiber
  • vitamin C
  • good source of manganese and potassium 
  • they protect your heart and help to increase HDL, good cholesterol and lower blood pressure
  • just 8 strawberries have more vitamin C than an orange! 

Fun, Random Fact:

  • Strawberries were first cultivated in ancient Rome, but did you know that they are actually not a berry or fruit... that's right! Strawberries are members of the rose family, and are actually the enlarged receptacle of the flower in the strawberry plant. 
  • The best type of strawberries to pick are the medium sized berries that are firm, and deep red, once picked they do not ripen any further...
You can eat them in a fruit salad, a green salad, with plain Greek yogurt, are by themselves. We love to eat them with Tru whip (that's the healthier version of cool whip). Just keep Tru Whip in the freezer and serve with strawberries and it taste like ice cream without all the high fructose corn syrup and other harmful ingredients found in regular whip toppings. This is are family summer go to snack right after pool time... Tru Whip can be found at Walmart and most health food grocery stores, usually near in the freezer section...

The Mystery is over! 

The difference between Probiotic and Prebiotics! 

As we all know, the body contains certain amounts of bacteria, billions to be exact. Healthy bacteria found in the stomach aids in healthy digestion. The intestines carry the largest amount of bacteria (healthy) to help us digest our food, and without these healthy bacteria we would be unable to absorb vitamin K from our food. When healthy bacteria is disturbed in the body, people experience digestive difficulties and gastrointestinal issues. This is when pro and prebitoics come in to play, to help restore the off balance of  healthy bacteria within the body, and get digestion back on track. 


  • are good bacteria that are placed back into the body via a food or food based supplement source, they aid in healthy digestion
  • they help control the growth of harmful bacteria that we may ingest from other foods sources...

  • are a special form of dietary fiber
  • they act as a food to nourish the good bacteria, or probiotics, that are already in, or placed in, the gut
  • they have been found helpful in several chronic digestive disorders and inflammatory bowel disease...
Basically, pro and prebiotics work together to aid in healthy digestion. When our diet is not enough to regulate these issues and get digestion back on track, taking dietary supplements are advised...

However! If you have any medical condition, especially pertaining to gastrointestinal issues, please consult a doctor before beginning a new supplement regimen...

*some facts were retrieved from WebMD

As Always these Food and nutrition tips have been brought to you by, The Greens family! 

Greens, and greens on the go are a probiotic source, while the green chews are a prebiotic source! As well as, a your source of 8 servings of fruits and vegetables! 


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