Monday, April 6, 2015

Don't let anyone tell you different!! You be You!

I'm feeling a little defensive at the moment, and by that I mean in defense of my wonderful clients , who are like family to me, and my team and company that I love dearly! Lately, there has been some heat on what is considered a quick fix. And all this noise, and nonsense has left my head spinning like Linda Blair honey!

Let me give you a little back ground information about who I am, because there is nothing "quick fix" about me. I adore exercise, I crave it like some people crave chocolate, my body needs it, my brain needs it. My love of exercise started when I was only 4 years old. I would beg to go on walks with my mother, and would follow along to her Jane Fonda videos. I would look at Jane Fonda and think I'm definitely going to be like her when I grow up. Exercise was nurtured in me, and I may be one of the lucky ones who have never actually struggled with its existence in my life for that reason. As a result, I've never had a weight problem, but...I have been pregnant, twice. And each pregnancy I gained a lot of weight, not because I sat around and ate all day. On the contrary, I continued to workout until I was 8 months pregnant, at which then, I  ballooned out to an unrecognizable size. I hated going in public, the looks on people's faces, the rude questions from complete strangers. I know every pregnant woman can relate. We don't just survive labor, we survive all the rude questions and comments for the entire 9 months...jeez,  the things us women go through just to bring another human being into the world safely! Then after its all said and done, we are slightly unrecognizable with our stretched skin, stretch marks, extra pounds, swollen feet, swollen hands, swollen everything! I'm going to post my before and after pictures so you can see them, because honestly you wouldn't know it was me. But all of that was worth it, every single  battle scar, and I'm not just saying that. I would be lost without my babies! However, like I said, exercise has always been a huge part of my life. So, I knew exactly what to do, and I went to work on getting my body back just three days after each baby. My feet were too swollen to fit into shoes, so I exercised barefoot. I lost 90 lbs total with exercise and diet, and without a trainer, and without supplement! I worked out 2 hours a day ( strength training and cardio) four days a week. My baby took four hour naps, so that helped. In 3 months I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight and back in a bikini just in time for summer. In a couple months I lost more, another 20lbs. Then I maintain. And as any mother knows, finding that kind of balance is difficult; kids, tutoring, housework, my own school work, cooking, and exercise...ha! It's almost laughable...out of all those things, usually exercise is the one that's going to take the backseat. However, I found time for it, because  I'd go nuts otherwise.

As others watched me transform I would get questions, how did you do it? What did you take? What did you eat? When I told them clean eating and 2 hour long workouts, their face dropped! I would say, let me help you with this, we'll do this together. I went to work making meal plans, personalizing exercise routines, helping them set personal goals, etc. Only one of my clients had no health problems. Everyone else had high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, kidney problems, diabetes, etc. Every meal and exercise plan had to be formatted according to these health issues. They couldn't just jump in like I did, I had to be careful with them due to their health complications. I would get phone calls from frustrated clients while shopping. They didn't understand why I was telling them a power bar was unhealthy and why they couldn't drink those energy drinks. They were confused when trying to buy protein powder, and yes I held their hands through it all, I'm just that type of coach. I'm with you all the way! Unfortunately, only one person made it through the process with success and lost weight. Health complications make it so hard. When results don't show up right away, they become easily discouraged, and understanding proper nutrition and what it does to your body takes time. 

Fast forward about two years later, I found It Works! A friend insisted I try a wrap. Why did I need a wrap? I've heard of them, I know they have them at spas; I finally said yes and tried that crazy wrap! But do you want to know what really sold me, what got me really excited? The ingredients in their products! I was in clean ingredient heaven!!! I was thinking where has this company been my whole life! This was the healthy convenience that my clients had looked for in the past. They were right here, in the organic energy drink (can you even believe such a thing exists!) organic greens, organic protein, and power bars!!! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!!! You know that song, right? It was playing over and over in my head! I could have stood up and done the happy dance! What I'm saying is, you better bet your sweet patootie I'm gonna sell this! I'm gonna promote the mess out of this stuff! It's what I've stood for my entire life! It's healthy!!! 

I've had it with comments from "fitness" professionals that say this is a quick fix! I've had it! That needs to stop now! Fitness professionals drink protein shakes, eat protein bars, take supplements in order to get the most out of their workouts, on top of eating clean. 

As for the conversation about the wrap, that nonsense needs to stop too! Stop making women feel bad for using a wrap! The wrap is cosmetic! It's not a quick fix, it does not take the place of proper diet and exercise, and no one using or selling claims that it does! So, let's get the record straight, are you ready? Wait for it...wait for it...the wrap tones, tightens, and firms! Bam! That's what it does! It's cosmetic, and it's ok if women and men want to use it for those reasons. If you wrap here's another must drink water, you must eat well in order to maintain your results. I tell people, if you're not going to drink your water, don't wrap. Any of my clients know, and can tell you, that I call them, text them, email them, basically bug them for 72 hours to make sure they are eating well and DRINKING that water! Now, I don't speak for, nor do I condone a DT selling a wrap and claiming that it will fix someone, no more than I can tolerate another personal trainer, or fitness expert claiming that this is just a quick fix and looking down their noses at anyone for using it! What I'm going to say to that is,  how dare you! Really? Everyone is on their own personal journey to self progression and it's no ones business, or place to judge how they get long as they're being safe, and these products are not just safe they're natural, or I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole! 

When I hear those judgments I think about all my clients out there, I think of all my clients in the past. They were not lazy, maybe afraid and discouraged, but not lazy! I was able to get my body back, and yes with lots of hard work, but I don't have health complications, and I've worked out since I could talk, but it's not the same for everyone, and I promise, I would not have been able to help change someone's life if I never showed them grace, or if I expected them to do things only my way!

I've seen mothers use this wrap, and get results that gave them hope. That's right, I said hope! And I was thrilled for them! I've seen it change bad eating habits to better ones, even help motivate some to get up and workout because they like the way they look and feel and they want it to last. So again, I'm proud to not only promote these products, but share them as well. Nutrition is a must. I believe exercise is a must. We need those things to have a healthy life, but it does not have to be complicated. Some people do best with a little extra push, results that give them hope that this healthy lifestyle thing is more possible, and more doable than they thought it could be. So for all my clients, future clients, and for everyone out there, let me tell you, you get up every day and do your thing! You be you! If you want to wrap, then you wrap! Create your goals, be fierce, and reach those goals, and don't let anyone tell you different! No one has the right to tell you how to walk your journey! Be blessed! Much love ya'll! 


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