Thursday, May 14, 2015

HIIT Workout Friday!!! 5-15-2015



Hey guys, it's that time's HIIT focuses on full body, and yes, I brought back the evil burpee, because it's really too easy without a challenge. Let's go over the guidelines; 

  1. HIIT should not be done back to back days, but every two days, it's ideal for 2 to three times a week. 
  2. Please take a 10-15 second rest after each exercise before moving onto the next. 
  3. This is high intensity. Push yourself to try, but be careful and don't over do it, take 10 second breaks when needed until you build up your stamina. 
  4. Do as many rounds in 20-30 minutes...
  5. If you are pregnant, just had a baby, or have any medical issues what so ever, please consult with your doctor before trying HIIT or any other exercise routine. 
  6. Remember to find your target heart rate, use the formula 220-your age. That will give you how many beats per minute when you are in the fat burner zone, mine is 183...
  7. Have fun!

Let's Get started:

  1. Burpees- 12 reps
  2. single leg bridge- 12 each leg
  3. skater hops- 30 seconds
  4. shoulder tap planks- 12
  5. sumo squat jumps- 30 sec
  6. wall sit- 30 sec
Pictures are found in order by exercise:

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Energy!  Can you Bring it?!

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