Thursday, June 11, 2015

90 Day challenge, HIIT Workout Friday!



Hey guys! Have you joined in the 90 day challenge? If so, these Friday HIIT workouts are perfect to help you reach your weight loss goals quicker...if not, what are you waiting for? Let's work on your health goals together. I'll suggest the right products for your needs, budget, provide product knowledge, coaching, and support along the way! And most importantly, its life changing. If you've been feeling or wanting to make a positive change, this is the step in the right direction :) Alright, lets go over the basic guidelines for HIIT. 

  1. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. You will be working at max level with little rest in between exercises, so your body will burn more fat and calories along the way, up to 48 hours.
  2. Due to the high intensity, HIIT should not be done back to back, but every 48 hours. You can repeat this workout again during the week if you like. 
  3. Do as many rounds as possible within 20 minutes, with small 10 second rest between exercises if needed. 
  4. Find your max heart rate and stay within it to be in the fat burning zone. formula: 220-your age= max heart rate, example 220-30= 190 beats per minute. 
  5. HIIT uses body weight so it is possible to burn fat, and build muscle while doing these exercises without added weight. 
  6. If you are pregnant, just had a baby, or have any medical condition what so ever, please consult with a doctor before trying HIIT or any other workout routine...
  7. HAVE FUN and BRING IT!  


  1. Wide leg squat jumps...(feet wide a part like a sumo wrestler, and jump up and down from that stance) 20-30 sec 
  2. Mountain Climbers...(from a plank position bring knees up to chest back in forth like you are running) 20-30 sec
  3. Plyo lunge...(these hurt! in lunge stance, and jump as you change legs in the lunge) 
  4. Plank jumping jacks...(are pretty much insane, but from a plank position you basically move your legs in and out like jumping jacks) 20-30 sec
  5. Curtsy lunge with side kick...(its a squat and you go down in a curtsy position, raise up and kick to the side with the leg you lunged back on) 10 reps each leg.
  6. Wall sit...(lean back up against the wall and hold a sitting position) hold for 30 sec
Pictures in order to exercise:

90 Day Challenge People, stay the course, don't give up! Stay determined to be the best version of yourself that you can possibly be, stronger, healthier...don't allow fear to have the last word, stay focused and make fear bleed! Bring It! 

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