Saturday, June 6, 2015

About Team Trinity- It Works Distributor Hope Dozier

My name is Hope. In 1977 I almost didn't exist. After many attempts to have a child my mother was told that it would never happen. God had other plans, and shortly after hearing the word "never" the impossible actually did happen and so I was named Hope.

When Chad and Jaree, asked us to post our goals and our dreams, the dreams that we've had since childhood, I had no idea what to say. Of course I had dreams as a child. I was a total day dreamer, my head always in the clouds, but all I wanted to be back then was Wonder Woman, and all I wanted to do was wear boots and save the world! So how do I put that on my dream board?

Of course, I think paying off some loans would be amazing, fixing a few things around the house...or a new house? I wouldn't necessarily turn down a big new house, but what if...what if that big house served a greater purpose? What if it was filled with people, children who needed safety and shelter. What if there were enough food, beds, clothes for those without? Maybe I'm still a dreamer to think I could ever offer such a place, but that's always been on my heart, as long as I could remember.

Every story that runs down my news feed of a missing child, an abused child, my heart breaks. Children are the foundation and hope of our tomorrow, but are helpless and venerable today. Jesus said suffer the little children to come unto me for such is the kingdom of heaven. He also said, better a millstone be tied around your neck and you be cast into the sea that you ever touch any one of these little ones. No, there is nothing more important to me, no dream bigger to me than this. Every child deserves the right to be safe. Every child has the right to be loved and protected. So my dream is to open a center for children, single moms or dads, and provide shelter and services. I want the open the center of Hope.

I look around my office, at my products, my business, and I realize that this is the key to so much more. In two short months I achieved the rank of Ruby, earning $1000. What else could be achieved in another two months, then another, and another? These products could change someone's life, increase their health, help them loose weight, but to me every product that changes someone's life, is getting closer to saving another's life. God placed this opportunity in my life and He did so for a reason, it is the doorway to my dream.

My name is Hope, when I was little I wanted to be Wonder Woman, I wanted to save the world in brown cowgirl boots. I was only 6, I didn't know the importance of my name, or that when I was saving the world I wasn't just playing pretend, but that I had started walking in the purpose and calling that God placed in my heart, and in March of 2015, I walked through a door that would change my life forever, enabling me to fulfill that purpose.

Thank you Chad and Jaree for being godly leaders and encouraging us to put our dreams out there. God bless ya'll!

*** short term goals for June, help two on my team go Ruby, two become executive, and bring in 20 lcs! I plan to be diamond by August 25, 2015

We are always looking for people with that drive and tenacity to do something great for themselves!

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