Friday, May 1, 2015

HIIT Workout Friday is Back!

HIIT Workout Friday! 

Bring It!!!

Oh my goodness! Where have I been? I know I've been MIA with this blog for a few days, we've had big sales, new team members, big promotions, and just a lot of excitement going on the past couple of weeks. Things are not back to the normal schedule, if anything they are going to become for hectic, in an awesome way, as I welcome even more members to my team...but none the less, it's time to get back on track with our HIIT routine! Life is about balance, we must master that in order to ward off on that note, here we go!

Ya'll remember the guidelines? Here they are again just in case:

  • HIIT can be done 2-3 times a week. Due to the intensity of the workout please allow 2 days of moderate workouts before doing HIIT again...
  • Take 15 second rest periods in between sets
  • Do as many rounds as possible within 20 minutes
  • check your target heart rate and try to stay within that for max fat burning...formula is 220-age= max heart rate. example, 220-37= 183 beats per minute...
  • As always, be careful. If you are pregnant, just had a baby, or have any type of medical condition what so ever, please consult with a doctor before trying HIIT or any workout routine...

Okay! Let's get our sweat on!

  1. Toe touch squat jack- 30 sec
  2. Squat with back kick- 10 reps
  3. push-ups with side twist -10 reps
  4. double leg lifts- 10
  5. plyo lunge (jumping lunge) 10 reps
Pictures in order of exercise:

Thanks for trying this workout! 

As always this HIIT was powered by Energy! 

Energy has B vitamins, caffeine from green tea leaf extract, folic acid, which helps in maintaining focus, real fruit juice, like blue berries, and cranberries! No crash and burn, like sugary energy drinks!

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