Friday, April 17, 2015

HIIT Workout Friday! It Works

HIIT Workout Friday! 


Okay everyone, its that time again! Today's HIIT is really going to focus on legs, getting ready for bathing suit and shorts season.So as always, lets go over some guidelines first. 

Find your heart rate:

  • Let's start out by finding our target heart rate. This will keep us in the fat burning zone. 
  • Formula is 220-age. For example, I am 37, therefore, 220-37= 183. My target heart rate is 183 beats per minute. 
  • You can keep up with your heart rate by using a monitor, or counting your pulse for 60 sec, and then multiplying that count by 10. 
  • Try to stay within 70-80% of your heart rate. 

Other guidelines: 

  • Remember, HIIT is ideal for 2 to 3 days a week, but not back to back, due to the intensity of the workout, You will continue to burn fat and calories up to 48 hours after HIIT. 
  • Do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP)  within 20 minutes. 
  • Take 10-15 second rests between each set. 
  • Be careful and have fun with it! 
  • However, if you are pregnant, or have any medical conditions whatsoever, please consult a Dr. before beginning HIIT or any other exercise routine. 

Workout: AMRAP for 20 minutes

  1. High knee run- 30 sec
  2. Squat with front kick- 12 reps
  3. jumping jacks- 30 sec
  4. Squat with side kick- 12 reps
  5. side plank with twist
  6. jumping jack plank- 20 sec/ hold of 10 counts

Find pictures in order of exercise:


IT Works! Energy! 

Let me know if you enjoyed this workout and if you'd like to see different workouts from this blog in the comments below. Have a blessed day!

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