Thursday, March 26, 2015

Build your Door!

I love this quote. It's the anthem of my life at the moment. I have been a stay at home mom for almost 6 years, and I've loved it, although the challenges  of this type of job were overwhelming at times, many times, I was still blessed to be able to watch and be apart of every new stage in my children's lives. That experience is worth more than money in the bank to me. However, there came a time that my family structure was tested. We had experienced a severe finical set back, and I had two choices; I could allow my fear to take over and wallow in it, or I could be brave, step out of my comfort zone, and do something about it. However, with no additional funds for day care I was stuck. My husband was working hard to supplement our lost income, I couldn't ask him to stay at home while I went out to find any job for any amount of pay, just to be working. We would truly be no better off. 

Then a friend of mine approached me about her new business. I remember thinking this sounds great, but I don't have the money to even try a product, let alone start up my own buisness. She didn't give up, she asked again. I thought, she must see something in me that I don't see in myself, bottom line, I was too afraid to try. I was already thinking about failure before I even started. I went home excited about my wrap results, but I still had no idea how I could pull this off. Then it hit me, if I let fear of "what ifs" stop me I will never move from the position I'm in now. I will always be here, right in the same place of struggle. There were no other opportunities knocking, no perfect pay with perfect hours, and free babysitting available. If I was going to do this, I was going to have to build a door, make my own way...and that's exactly what I set out to do. 

I count myself blessed that I'm able to work from home and be with my children, that I'm building relationships with my clients and meeting some awesome people in doing so, and that I have a team around me that's more like a family than co-workers, "one team, one mission" and what is that mission? I'll tell you, it's very simple...changing people's lives, bringing them joy, putting smiles on their faces because they've reached their fitness goals, or their health has increased, and they feel better than they've ever felt! That's amazing that I get paid to do something that special for others. Although, I'm having the time of my life right now, I'm still building that door, my It Works adventure has really just begun! How cool is it that I get to share that with all of you! 

I hope this day finds you all blessed! And if you're ready to build your door and go on this awesome adventure, don't wait any longer, step out, or better yet, jump out in faith! I would be thrilled to have you on my team!!! 

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Blessings to all!!! 

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