TUESDAY'S ENTREPRENEUR TIP‼️ ππ»ππ»ππ»ππ»ππ½ππ½ππΌππΌππΌπππΌππΌππΌ
Network marketing is genius! You don't need to spend thousands on a degree or training to own your business. No need to take out loans and go into debt for start up capital, no employees to pay, or over head of a traditional brick and mortar. The business model is as simple as it gets! Three steps to follow each month, in my company, to insure you make money...literally anyone, from any walk of life can have an opportunity to make ends meet or MILLIONS π΅π΅π΅ with this business!!!
BUT! Being an entrepreneur isn't for everyone. There's got to be something that drives you when you want to give up. They'll be no boss to answer to, no one watching over your shoulder to make sure you get to work and do your work. No set schedule, but the one you make. Everyone wants to jump into the glamorous entrepreneur lifestyle, they try one after the other, after the other...
Let Me Help You Out With Some Info I Wish I Knew In The Beginning Of My Business. this life requires a few things:
1. Discipline. Being intentional and organized with time.
2.Discipline your disappointments. Everything won't go your way. You'll have to put those mistakes to good use and learn from them, realize that you won't be rich over night. Unless you never sleep, eat, or shower...that's completely up to you but...ewe!
3.Discipline your emotions. If your emotions make your decisions and not logic, don't be an entrepreneur, just don't. It'll ruin your business...don't let emotions make your decisions in life period!
4. Determination. That's got to be stronger than any other "thing" going on in your mind...Are you determined to stay home with your kids? Retire your husband? Have freedom of time? Are you determined to have the ability to have what you NEED AND WANT without living paycheck to paycheck??? You're NOT going to get that by putting money in another man's pocket!
Ecclesiastes 10:19 latter part: money is the answer to ALL things...
But baby! You're not going to get there without some sacrifice! π π❤️❤️❤️
This entrepreneur tip is brought to you by HHB Empire and the bottom of my loving heart! Ya'll be blessed today!!!