We are always looking for people with that drive and tenacity to do something great for themselves!
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Welcome to the Team our 4 New Distributors!
We are always looking for people with that drive and tenacity to do something great for themselves!
One Week Left!!
We have 4 spots left on our team and we would love to have you!
Click Here To Contact Me and I Can Tell You How!
It Works Global is a multi-million dollar company and is in over 18 Countries.
You could be apart of a company that is rated the "Top 15 Companies to Work For!" via Direct Sales Magazine!
Thursday, May 21, 2015
HIIT Workout Friday! - 5-22-2015
Hey everyone, its that time again! I hope you've had your energy drink...you're gonna need it :)
Click Here To Contact Me and Check Out Our Website!
- HIIT is ideal for two to three times a week. Due to the intensity of the workout make sure you are not doing HIIT on back to back days, strength training or lower intensity workouts are best done in between HIIT days.
- Do as many rounds as possible within 20 minutes. Take 10 second rest between each workout if needed.
- Keep track of your heart rate to stay within the fat burning zone. Formula: 220-your age= target heart rate, for example, mine is 183 beats per minute.
- If you are pregnant, just had a baby, or have any medical conditions what so ever, please consult with a doctor before doing HIIT or any exercise routine
- Have fun!
- Toe- touch- squat T jack- 30 sec
- mtn climbers- 30 sec
- squat with side kick- 10 each leg
- plyo lunge- 15 reps
- side plank with twist- 10 each side
Pictures in order to exercise:
Power your workout with Enery
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
24 Hours left and the BOGO go Bye-Bye! Don't let this opportunity EXPIRE!
We want to make make a big difference in your life! We want to help you be successful! Join our team. Send me a message and we will share all the details!
If you join our team you will also qualify for a $1000 Ruby bonus!
Click Here To Contact Me and Check Out Our Website!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Do you have a Boss that makes you Crazy!? You be the Boss and Take Charge of Your Life!
Sunday, May 17, 2015
You just got 48 Hours!
Starting NOW for the next 48 Hours, every new team member who “Joins the Party!” by purchasing the new Business Builder Kit will receive an additional box of That Crazy Wrap Thing! That is additional $100 of free product on top of the $100 dollar plus of product you get with you business builder kit!
That means all the tools and products (Defining Gel, Fab Wrap, and two boxes of Ultimate Body Applicators!) your new team members need to start the Wrap Party and start fast with their business!
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Thursday, May 14, 2015
HIIT Workout Friday!!! 5-15-2015
Hey guys, it's that time again...today's HIIT focuses on full body, and yes, I brought back the evil burpee, because it's really too easy without a challenge. Let's go over the guidelines;
- HIIT should not be done back to back days, but every two days, it's ideal for 2 to three times a week.
- Please take a 10-15 second rest after each exercise before moving onto the next.
- This is high intensity. Push yourself to try, but be careful and don't over do it, take 10 second breaks when needed until you build up your stamina.
- Do as many rounds in 20-30 minutes...
- If you are pregnant, just had a baby, or have any medical issues what so ever, please consult with your doctor before trying HIIT or any other exercise routine.
- Remember to find your target heart rate, use the formula 220-your age. That will give you how many beats per minute when you are in the fat burner zone, mine is 183...
- Have fun!
Let's Get started:
- Burpees- 12 reps
- single leg bridge- 12 each leg
- skater hops- 30 seconds
- shoulder tap planks- 12
- sumo squat jumps- 30 sec
- wall sit- 30 sec
Pictures are found in order by exercise:
HIIT Powered By
Energy! Can you Bring it?!
It Works! Top 15 Company's To Work For According to Direct Selling News Magazine!
“I am thankful for our Loyal Customers and so proud of our team around the world for helping us earn this honor,” said Mark Pentecost, It Works! CEO. “We aren't slowing down! My team is ready to take things to a ‘whole ‘notha level’ for 2015!”
The DSN Global 100 is a collective effort to show the impact and potential of the $178.5 billion direct selling industry. The 2015 list, unveiled online at DirectSellingNews.com and featured in the June issue of Direct Selling News magazine, represents aggregate revenue of $82 billion from companies based in 14 countries.
About It Works!
It Works! is a Skin Care and Nutrition company, named for the excited reaction people have when trying our products for the first time – It Works! Our products are sold globally through our network of Independent Distributors who work as One Team with One Mission—to change lives from the inside out! Our family of distributors and loyal customers are looking great, getting out of debt, having fun, and giving back to the community.
90 Day Detox Challenge! Can you Bring it!? Still have time for that Summer Body!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
We would like you to be a part of the team! View Here to Learn How!
Monday, May 11, 2015
The It Works Steps to Success!- How to be an It Works Distributor
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Check this Video Out! A Whole Notha Level! Bonuses are Better in Slow Motion!
Mother's Day Video Message to you all!
Saturday, May 9, 2015
What we do versus what people assume we do?! It Works

Friday, May 8, 2015
HIIT Workout Friday! It Works 5-8-15
So let's go over the guidelines!
- Do as many rounds as possible within 20 min, with a rest period of 10-15 sec between sets.
- find your target heart rate and try to stay within it for max fat burning zone.
- Formula to find your max heart rate is 220-your age. Mine is 183 beats per minute.
- HIIT is ideal for two to three days a week, and should not be done back to back due to the intensity of the workout. Remember, its so intense that you will still be burning fat for up to 48 hours after your workout.
- If you are pregnant, or have any type of medical condition, please consult with a doctor before trying HIIT or any workout routine.
Ok! Let's bring it! Have fun!
- Plies hops/jumps- 30 sec
- Split squat- 10 each leg
- crisscross jacks- 30 sec
- push up plank- 10
- mtn climber- 30 sec
- reverse lunge with front kick- 12 each leg
Exercise pictures in order:
As Always Today's HIIT
Was Powered By Energy!